Cmd: enigmatic apparition.
Animator images, processing rhythmic
words queued first as tacit-tactile,
synesthetic modes on mechanical [WASD]
– transmitting – 01100011 01101111
01101110 01110110 01100101 01110010
01110011 01100001 01110100 01101001
01101111 01101110 – transmitted –
as the left thumb beats [SPACEBAR].
Smash [ENTER] / Electric ultimatum.
Run: the VOIP chill. Replica clutch, nail bites,
metronomic mouse-click hesitations –
FWD TO: peripherals
>press down [NUM](push-to-talk);
>push up (release)[NUM];
{Identify Connection?} >input:
navigate my spine; >rasp:
the cerebellum; >pulse: inhale;
>spiral: ears, exchange,
ASMR secrets; express
{YES} to me between the GPU fan-force
{NO} white-noise-background
muffling the timbre in your mic.
Cmd: troubleshoot me. [CTRL] +
Interaction error 502 [SHIFT] +
bad gateway. You can [ESC]
{X} to end human.exe(not responding)
if: high memory use;
if: unknown program;
if: first time connection;
if: unsecure;