Bohdi Byles

Bohdi is the leader of the editorial team for the 14th issue of The Quarry. His roles have involved Editing, Marketing and Management. He has been an avid bibliophile since he was a child. With a B.A majoring in Writing and Gender Studies under his belt, and a Masters of Creative Writing just around the corner, he has always wanted to provide the escapism in books for others that he was able to hide away in.
Bohdi enjoys researching and discussing social issues, specifically in relation to gender and sexuality, as well as shame and vulnerability, and he likes to employ this research creatively when he is able to.
Ashley Duck

Ashley has a passion for communicating with influence and a fascination with the written word. She enjoys writing poetry and short fiction, petting well-behaved cats, and travelling with her husband. Ashley is studying a Master of Creative Writing at Macquarie University.
Danah Pantano

Danah is currently completing a Masters of Creative Writing at Macquarie University. In any moment of time, random plot points battle for dominance in her head as she struggles to wrangle them together into a coherent storyline. She has written a few short pieces for UTS Vertigo, and assists mainly in the Editing, Design, and Production capacity for The Quarry’s editorial team. She’s fond of character-driven narratives, fantasy, and magical realism.
Jasmine Giuliani

Jazz Giuliani is a poet and writer, interested in sensitive exploration of the deeply personal and political through the shared intimacy of storytelling. Jazz performs regularly in Melbourne and recently curated a spoken word event called ‘Muse & Makers’ which debuted in December 2018. Jazz has been published in The Feminist Utopia Project (The Feminist Press), Page 17, Little Raven, The Australian Poetry Collaboration, Fead Magazine, The Pin, Swamp Magazine amongst others.
Natalie Bejin

Natalie is currently completing a Masters of Children’s Literature and Masters of Creative Writing at Macquarie University. Their role as part of the editorial team for Issue #14 has involved Editing, Production and Management. Working as a professional assistant to a published author, much of Natalie’s time is devoted to bringing good stories to life.